In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3, players will meet various new nameless guidelines and POI on the map. The locations were added during the season and have a resemblance to various significant areas from previous chapters. The denation of Logjam Junction is one of the new points of interest added to the game, and you need to know where it is. Here's how players can visit the Poi Logjam Junction in Fortnite, chapter 3, season 3. How to find a junction of Logjam in Fortnite The interchange of Logjam Junction is located on the northwest side of the map, precisely where Logjam Lotus was used to. This place has changed several times in Fortnite, chapter 3, season 3. Go west from Shifty Shafts and north from Rave Cave to get to the Poi Logjam Junction in Fortnite. Check the area inside the yellow circle on the map above to see the exact location of this POI. There are plenty of production in this place, enough for entire detachments. In this place you will also find boxes of reality ...
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