On Tuesday, Apple has again introduced a number of products that will come to trade in the coming days. The highlight should have been the idea of the iPhone 13, which will be available again in four models. Optically, Apple is based on the iPhone 12 and brings the edgy look. All smartphones receive the new A15 Bionic Chip, several camera upgrades and better screens. Pre-orders are already possible from Friday. The launch then takes place on September 24, 2021.
iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Mini
Apple has the Super Retina XDR OLED display (6.1 inches and 5.4 inches) with some updates. An improved contrast ratio provides more true black and tears and the maximum brightness is now at 800 NITS outdoors and 1200 Nits when playing HDR content. In addition, the Notch was reduced at the top of the screen. Even with the battery life of the smartphones, there are optimizations - the iPhone 13 holds up to 2.5 hours longer than the iPhone 12. The iPhone 13 Mini could increase the runtime by 1.5 hours. The new two-camera system now offers optical image stabilization with sensor displacement, which has so far only in the iPhone 12 Pro Max. Improvements in the light intake and the NIGHT mode are also included. The video function has been extended by a cinema mode that makes shooting by changing the bokeh level film-rider.
iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max
For the top models, Apple has built a Super Retina XDR OLED display with Promotion. The screen provides an adaptive refresh rate of 10 Hz to 120 Hz. With a maximum brightness of 1000 Nits outdoors, the two smartphones are again slightly brighter than the small variants of the iPhone 13. Improvements also promises Apple to the cameras, which again UltraWeitwinkel- Wide angle and telephones have. With the new macro function, image and video recordings remain sharp at a distance of only 2cm. The battery of the iPhone 13 Pro should hold up to 1.5 hours longer - at the iPhone 13 per max it is up to 2.5 hours (compared to your direct predecessors).
Prices of the iPhone 13 in Germany
Apple has already revealed the prices of the upcoming models in the online shop. Depending on the memory size, the prices of the smartphones increase. The iPhone 13 starts at 899 euros. For the iPhone 13 Mini at least 799 euros are due. The two top models start at 1,149 euros (iPhone 13 Pro) and 1,249 euros (iPhone 13 Pro Max). For the first time, Apple also offers a 1TB option for the Pro devices. In the case of the iPhone 13 Pro Max, the price then rises to proud 1,829 euros.
Source: Apple
From Dominik Zwingmann author 15.09.2021 at 16:15
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