Earlier this month, a ruling was reached in the initial judicial case between Epic Games and Apple, but fortnite fanatics who hope to see that the game returns to IOS devices should not wait for that in the short term. The CEO and founder of Epic Games, Tim Sweeney, took Gorgeo today to share a letter from Apple s lawyer, indicating that this last company will not reinstall fortnite until the district court failure is final and unappealable. As Sweeney points out, could spend several years before that happens, which means that fortnite will not return to Apple devices in the foreseeable future.
«Apple lied. Apple spent a year telling the world, court and the press that would appreciate the return of Epic to the App Store if they agree to play with the same rules as everyone else . Epic agreed, and now Apple has reneged from another abuse of his power of monopoly over billions of users , Sweeney wrote on Twitter.
Sweeney has a long history of calling Apple Monopolist, but tensions between the two companies exploded in August 2020, when Epic Games intentionally broke the IOS service terms, updating fortnite with a payment method that eluded payment methods Manzana. Apple required fortnite Remove the option, or the face will be eliminated from the App Store. In response, Epic Games filed an Apple demand and immediately began an offensive of public relations. On the same day that EPIC added this unauthorized payment option, the company launched a fortnite Quick description of Apple as a threat comparable to 1984 Big Brother. The company also launched a villain skin from that short, a Tart Tycoon with apple head.
Given the fact that Epic is appealing the judge s failure, it is not difficult to see why Apple will not bring back fortnite at any time! Epic at the same time paints Apple as a massive monopoly and the desprecise in social networks, while waiting for the company to rely on your game. The dispute between the two companies has complicated things fortnite fans, but Epic clearly knew that an exclusion from the list would happen when it began its campaign against Apple last year (they had the short of Nineteen Eighty-Fortnite ready for a reason). Until the tensions between the two companies are cooled, it is safe to say that the current status quo will be maintained.
What do you think of the battle between Epic Games and Apple? Are you surprised that fortnite will not come back? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter in @marcdachamp to talk about everything related to games.
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